Early November I was sick on and off for a week. As the week progressed I wasn't getting any better. I thought I had the flu. I emailed my oncologist and general practitioner and told them that I wasn't getting better...did they have any suggestions. I was told to go and have blood work done. On Tuesday I heard from my doctors. I was severally dehydrated. Also my oncologist-Dr Jeske said that my CA-125 was slightly elevated. My GP wanted me to go to emergency and to get hydrated. While I was there they wanted me to also have a PET scan. They kept me over night. I had the PET scan and it was discovered that the cancer is active again in the liver, a mass in my pelvic, and in some lymph nodes. I was sent home and told that Dr Jeske would set up an appointment. On Thursday I saw Dr Jeske, she was very positive and said we have lots of options. That we would state Chemo again. I told her that mom and I are going to to Utah from Dec 1-8 to meet my great niece. I was a little worried how I would handle the chemo. Dr Jeske said we could wait till we got back. Mom said no we need to start right away. It was decided that I would have a treatment before we left and then start up when I got back. I asked her about the CA-125. It was up to 39 the range is 0-35, she did say that wasn't that high, but in Oct is was 13 and had jumped up to 39 which was a concern.
On Monday Nov 19th at about 9:45 am I looked at my cell phone and saw a text from Kaiser that I had an appointment at 10:15 for a chemo treatment. There was not way that I could get there in a half an hour. I quickly called and they rescheduled for 2:00 that afternoon. I went and it went well. I actually felt better the next day.
So here I am again going through chemo.