I have been sitting here trying to think of something intelligent to write about. I made a goal to try to write something everyday because I know how easy it will be to not write daily.
I love traffic days like today. It took me less then 30 minutes to get home from work. (which never happens)
The surgeon called today to ask me a few questions. The port will be place on my left side toward the top of my shoulder. He gave me some statistics like 1% chance of the lung collapsing (hasn't happened in 15 years), he hasn't had to give a blood transfusion in years. He also apologized that the port will be where my bra strap falls. I thought that was an interesting comment. He also mentioned sometimes there is infection.... Such a comforting conversation???
I guess he's just trying to make sure you have all the information -- you're right, there are days when it's hard to write something -- your faithful readers are happy to hear anything just because we're thinking about you!