Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Nice Evening

Yesterday morning I had a blood test and this morning Kaiser called to confirm my treatment for tomorrow. So we are on tomorrow.

Last night mom and I went to tithing settlement. In our church we pay tithing on out increase and at the end of the year we have the opportunity to declare if we are full tithe payers. We also have a chance to visit with the Bishop. (and the Sees's candy is a nice bonus) Last night also happened to be the Christmas enrichment night. A wonderful ham dinner was served and a nice Christmas program with the Laurels (girls ages 16-18) singing a couple of Christmas songs and some of the sisters sharing Christmas memories. There were sisters there that we do not see very often and sisters who are new to me. It was another wonderful addition to getting ready for the holidays. Thank you to the Relief Society presidency and the Enrichment committee.

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