Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How This Blogs Name Came To Be

So why is my blog titled Lori's Lemonade Club? In the last couple of weeks I have been handed a few lemons!!! I have always loved lemonade. When ever I go to McDonald's that is the drink I get.

In elementary school I was part of the choir. The one song I remember learning is "Lemon Tree" All  I can remember is the chorus:

                                    Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
                                    But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
                                    Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
                                    But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

My father's father wore blue and white stripped overalls. In the bib pocket he had a little baggie of lemon drops and always had a candy jar full of them. When ever we sat on his lap we always had access to the lemon drops. 

I have a niece Lauria Elizabeth Marble and her initials are LEM  she would go by the nick name Lemonhead.

I have always liked the saying "When life hands you a lemon...make lemonade"

Last this past Saturday a dear friend stopped by with scones and lemon curd and a wonderful book called The Lemonade Club. It is a sweet and heart tugging story about best friends in elementary school the teacher often tells the children that when life hands you lemon make lemonade. One of the girls gets cancer and in solidarity the whole class including the teacher shave their heads. As their hair grows back the teacher's does not. She is battleing  breast cancer. The two girls and teacher strengthen, support each other and meet often as the Lemonade Club. What I love about this story is the support that is shared. 

Well I just found out that my Ovarian cancer is back....So my goal is take the lemon I was just handed and make it into LEMONADE!!!!!


  1. I love you Aunt Lori! You have the best lemonade I have ever read about! I'd call right now except that it's 5:30 AM for you. I'll talk to you after school. Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ^^

  2. Lori - I've thought about you all week and want you to know how much I love and admire you. I look up to you, yet I feel very comfortable with you - which makes it easy to learn from you - as I just have. Thanks. My prayers are with you. I'm here - just a phone call away.

  3. I'm so glad you were able to get this name for your blog!

    I'll be reading every post

    Luv ya

  4. You have, are, and will inspire countless people. I consider myself a better person because of what you have taught me by word and example. I would consider it to be an honor to be a part of your Lemonade Club.
